In January we are learning about "Habit 3 - Put First Things First". That means working before we play. We read a story about a porcupine that did not put first things first in studying for his spelling test. We also read
The Very Hungry Caterpillar who "put first things first" to eat first so he can have the energy to turn into a butterfly. On the papers we wrote about things we do first before we play like doing our home reading, doing our chores and spending time with our family. We turned the papers into flags and then stuck them into marshmallows. Those are our big rocks.
Next, we got a cup with rice in it and we talked about little rocks like playing video games and watching TV. The rice was out little rocks. We tried to fit our big rocks into the cup with the little rocks already in there but they would not fit! After we tried putting the marshmallows in first and then the rice and it all fit! We learned that if we put our big rocks in first then we will have time for everything. We need to get out work done first and then play. At the end we got to eat one marshmallow.
We worked on writing and we each wrote a winter story. We wrote for 8 min and we blew Mrs. M away. At the end we shared our writing with the class. Today we also read a book about a huge turnip that was stuck in the ground all the animals tried to get it out but they couldn't until the bears on the bottom pushed it out.