Tuesday, 22 March 2016
Cage Those Animals!
Today we had a special guest field trip. We got to pick our own animal and then put it together There were holes and cut outs to help us put together our animals. We made a cage for our animals. We got to pick what we wanted from a store. We had to cross out the money pictures on our page to make sure we had enough money to buy all of our stuff. The animals cages needed to have a toy, some food, a shelter, water and a fence and a few other things.
Today in gym we had our last dance practice. We kept working on our circle. We changed it so we now have 1 circle instead of 2. After we had our last practice we played a game called what time is it Mrs. Wolf. We also made a picture of rain falling in puddles. We did this because spring is here.
Some of us went to the book fair. We could go at first recess or at lunch recess if we had a ticket that said admit one to go at recess. There was lots of people there. Tomorrow we will get lots of time to shop during our library time so we will remember our money.
Monday, 21 March 2016
Egg Drop

Thursday, 17 March 2016
The Leprechaun was Here!
When we got to school today there were green footprints all over our classroom and it was so messy. We think it was the leprechaun. He left us each 2 gold coins. Some of us took coins traps from other peoples traps but we were lucky that he left a pot of gold too so we all got 2. He even left us a note on the board. We had to clean it up all by ourselves!
We wrote a note to the leprechaun and some of us asked why he left a mess and broke some of our traps. In math we did some counting of Lucky Charms. We had to see if there were more clovers than any other kind of marshmallows in the box. We compared our marshmallows with Mrs Saunderson's class and other schools around the world.
It was a fun Day!
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Leprechaun traps.

In math we did some problem solving on our whiteboards and we also used blocks to help us. We are getting much better at it.
Tomorrow is library day and we get to set our leprechaun traps.
Monday, 14 March 2016
Princess and the Pea

Today we drew a cloud and wrote our name in it and then we got words that other people think we are and glued them around the outside of our cloud to make a rainbow.
We read 2 stories about the Princess and the Pea. One story had the characters made out of paper and the other one had pigs for character. In both stories they put the pea under the princesses when they were sleeping and both princesses woke up black and blue.
We made a drawing of what our leprechaun trap will look like an then we added some labels. On the back we wrote the steps to catch a leprechaun. In math we did some hard problem solving. It was hard for us so we will practicie it some more tomorrow.
Thursday, 10 March 2016
MIss Nicki is Here!

Today we did some big rocks and little rocks in Math. Our big rocks were our math work about doubles. We recorded the stories that we wrote in our mini book. We had to find a quiet space to make our video on an iPad.
Today some of us have our student led conferences and we are excited.
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
Student Led Conferences are Tonight

Today in science and we looked through magazines for things made with different building supplies like plastic and wood. In PE we did more dancing. We did the Chicken Dance and the YMCA and we tried a tricky dance called the Cadillac Ranch. In library and we read a book about a teacher who who read a book and the character came to life!
Today we looked through our folder on the IPad and we picked two things that we are most proud of to show our parents at student led conferences tonight or tomorrow night. Those of us that have student led conferences have all of our stuff ready for them to come visit and we are excited to show it all off.
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
What We Are...

Monday, 7 March 2016
Let the Dancing Begin

Today we got all of our work from February and we put our favourite in the basket so it can go in our picture frame. The rest went in our backpack to go home with a note to our parents. We made a picture of what we think we will look like when we grow up and are community helpers. They are going to hang in the hallway with our writing.
We started practicing what we are going to do when our
parents come for student led conference.
One of the things we will do is make a estimate of the amout of candies
in a jar. We will also teach them a math game with called "Tick Tock Roll a Clock".
Friday, 4 March 2016

We did math rotations like yesterday. One center was mathletics, one was adding face off, math games and math centers. In gym we made groups with 6 people and then we made a magic snake and tried dribbling between all of the people in our snake.
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
Basketball Skills

Today we worked on our adding kites. The top part says a number and then the bows on the string say 2 numbers that add up to the number on the kite. We read a book called the foot book and lots of us think that we could read the book by ourselves.
Today was our last day using basketball. We played tag with the basketballs and we learned to pivot and turn our body so that it was in between the tagger and the ball. There was a bake sale at lunch. There was lots of food there and there was a long line. They raised $211 to help the Calgary Zoo.
Tuesday, 1 March 2016
March is Here
Today in morning meeting we share what we would wish for if we caught a leprechaun. We did that because today is March first and St. Patrick's day and Easter are in March. In Daily 5 we made a sheet to track which of the daily 5 we do each day so we can make sure we are practicing all of them.
We all finished our Barbie furniture and all of our picture planning for our books. Almost everyone's Barbie furniture worked and held Barbie up. In Music we made a video of mallets, glockenspiels and fairy godmothers to show our parents at student led conferences next week. Parents can book their student led conferences on the computer to come in and see us show off.
Tomorrow there is a bake sale at school and the money goes to the Calgary Zoo.
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