Wednesday, 20 December 2017
Grinch Day
Today was Grinch Day. We watched part of the movie "The Grinch who Stole Christmas" with Mrs. Saunderson's class. We will watch the rest tomorrow.
We made our elves out of 3D shapes. We made a video about our elves telling how the shapes, edges and corners our elf had. We played Candy cane tag in PE.
Monday, 18 December 2017
Colourful lights.
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
What can you make with shapes?
Today we made antlers because in the bag there was two books about reindeer. In math we did some Mathletics jobs about shapes and we made a snowflake out of shapes. We also made a Christmas picture with blocks and we sorted shapes. We made a video about our snowflake telling Ms. Mahan about all the things we know about those shapes.
We finished our Magic Treehouse video about recycling and we played volleyball in PE.
Monday, 11 December 2017
Can You Crack the Nut?
Today we there were 10 Christmas bags on our wall because there are 10 days until the Christmas holidays. We opened the first Christmas bags today and there was a book and some activities in it.
Today was the book the nutcracker and there was even some real nuts in the shell in the bag. One was an activity about writing the number that the nutcracker was covering. Another was drawing a nutcracker with shapes . At the end of the day we got to try to be a nutcracker and open a nut in a shell and it was really hard. Some us us brought it home to try with our families. The one rule was we were not allowed to use our teeth!
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
Rural Art
We made a piece of art that is a setting sun over a rural field today. We also did some writing about what we would hear, see, smell and feel in an urban or a rural place. We also watched a video about Urban and Rural to give us ideas.
We are learning about Volleyball in PE and practiced hitting it with our arms and our fingers to a partner,
We got all of our work from November back today. We picked our favourite for our picture frame and are bringing the rest of it home with a note for our parents.
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
Urban or Rural?
Today we watched a video about urban and rural. Urban means a city and it has apartment buildings and lots of noise. Rural is farms to there is lots of space and they grow food. Today we also started an an project of a sun going down on a farm. We covered our pencil lines with white glue.
We finished our gumball art by counting how many gumballs were in our gumball machine that we made with a plate and bingo dabbers. We also finished our colour posters by writing 5 words that matched the pictures on our posters . We practiced sounding out words and are getting very good at sounding out all kinds of words.
We are also getting very good at our song for the Christmas concert and today we sang it for Ms. Mahan.
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Thursday, 23 November 2017
Can you Blow a Bubble?
Today we learned a new game called "Koo Koo Where" are you in Music. We started making colour poster because our new unit in science is going to be about colours. We did some more sorting today and we are getting really good at sorting in different ways
We tried to blow bubbles with bubble gum like they did in the 50's. Tomorrow we are going to write about the steps to blow a bubble just like we did for the steps for making a root beet float.
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
We can Subitize!
We read a really funny book called The Book With No Pictures today. Everyone was laughing
We watched a subitize video and played a subitize game with a friend where read the numbers on a dice.We made a video with our partner to show how we know how to subsidize too.
We finished out work during catch up and had Makerspaces in Library. We practiced Hula hooping in gyn because they liked to do that in the 1950's and today was our 51st day of school
We watched a subitize video and played a subitize game with a friend where read the numbers on a dice.We made a video with our partner to show how we know how to subsidize too.
We finished out work during catch up and had Makerspaces in Library. We practiced Hula hooping in gyn because they liked to do that in the 1950's and today was our 51st day of school
Monday, 20 November 2017
50th Day of School
Today was the 50th day of school! We had Rootbeer floats because that was a treat in the 1950's. We made a book about the steps to make a float. The first step is to put the ice cream in the cup, then we put the pop and straw in, last we drink it!
We did some math centers about the number 50. 1 was we made 50 gumballs with bingo dabbers on a plate. We also played a game called "Race to 50". Another center was coloring the numbers on the paper and it made the number 50.
We had lots of fun and had some really great costumes in our room!
Thursday, 16 November 2017
What kind of Animal Ears
We read a book about apples on top and made a page for our class book about how many apples were on our head. We also practiced our subitizing today. We did daily 3 and we either listened to reading, read to self or worked on writing.
We talked about animal ears and we choose what kind of animals ears we would want. Today some more people presented their High River projects and they are bringing them home today. The rest of us will finish and present our projects tomorrow.
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
We Fill Buckets
Today for morning bins we did some more sorting. There were dinosaurs, lids and cars. We know we can sort by colours, shapes and sizes. We talked about the sight word "is" today and then we wrote sentences on other peoples book to fill their bucket like "____ is smart." or "_______ is kind."
We worked on our Highlights of High River projects today and 3 of us presented our projects to the class today. We also learned a new game called Hornet tag in PE.
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
We did some sorting centers in math. Some of the things we sorted were animals, blocks and spools. We talked about tasting and tried some different food like lemons, grapefruit, rockets and pretzels.
We talked about our tongue and we know that our tongues are covered with bumps called taste buds. We learned about animal teeth and we got to pick what kind of teeth we would like is we were animals.
We worked on our highlights of High River project. Some of us are finished and will show the class tomorrow.We read a book called "Goodnight iPad" that was kind of like the book "Goodnight moon". We also watched Good night moon and compared them. We read a book called "The Spoon and The Dish" in Library and then got new books. In music we sang a song about Santa wanting new teeth.
Monday, 13 November 2017
We practiced reading our colour words by colouring a picture the right colours. We talked about touch today and we picked what kind of skin we would like and why. We made a 3D hand because we were talking about things that we liked the feeling of.
We started making our "Highlights of High River" projects some people are using pictures, some are using boxes and some are using Lego. We learned a new game in gym called hornet tag
Thursday, 9 November 2017
Remembrance Day Assembly
We had an important assembly today for Remembrance Day. Two kids from our class put the wreath at the front.
We worked on our art form yesterday. We are making winter trees instead of fall trees because that is what it looks like outside. We went on the Ipad's and we made 3 pictures about what people, animals and plants in fall.
We got to eat 2 rockets today. The first time we ate one rocket it wasn't so sour because we plugged our nose, the second one we didn't plug our nose and it was way more flavorful. We know that is because our sense of taste and our sense or smell are connected.
Tuesday, 7 November 2017
Remembrance Day Wreath
We each made a poppy for our class wreath that we will use at the Remembrance Day ceremony on Thursday. We learned about different animals smelling. One animal was a hammer head shark who uses his nose to smell fish. We each picked what animal nose we want to put on a monster we will design next week. We talked about the "r" sound. We drew a rat and then we wrote 5 words that start with the r sound. We are getting very good at sounding out words.
Thursday, 2 November 2017
We can find Canada on Google Earth
We started our Remembrance Day art today. We drew designs with white crayon and painted some papers black. We went on google earth and found Canada. After some of us played with google earth and found our school. We also looked for Ontario and Canada in the atlas because that is where our letter came from today.
We played a game in math where we had to subitize the numbers on the 10 sided dice and then tell what number come before and after that number
Wednesday, 1 November 2017
We can find Canada
We opened two more letters today, one was from Saskatchewan and one was from Alberta. We are getting very good at finding Canada on maps. We know it has the islands at the top.
Today we are bringing all of our work that we have done in September and October to show it off to our parents. We also got to pick one thing to put in our frame in our classroom.
Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Today was Halloween so we had a fun Halloween party. We got to play some fun games that the Halloween leaders planned like pin the spider on the web and musical chairs.
We got to make popcorn hands during our senses party using our sense of smell and sight
We got to go on a costume parade to show the whole school our costumes and to give the school high fives.
Monday, 30 October 2017
Pumpkin Day
Today we got to carve pumpkins. We cleaned out the gut and seed with our hands and spoons. We decided as a group what to put on as the eyes, mouth and noses. We counted the seeds by counting by 10's. One group had 353 seeds in our pumpkins.We checked to see if the pumpkins would float. They did float because there is some air inside. We also counted the lines on our pumpkins.
We even did our own drawing of a pumpkin with oil pastel.
Thursday, 19 October 2017
Can You Hear The Match?
In Science we tried to match sounds. One sound was in a balloon so we couldn't see it and the other was in a bag. We had to use our ears to find the match. It was fun. In Health we talked about food that is good for us and food that is not good for us to eat everyday.
We started filling our envelopes because we are going to mail our R letters on next week. We opened the letter X in the mail from Ontario today.
We learned a fun song in Music called I don't know. We also sang a song called Apples and baneenees. Ask us to sing them for you.
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
We can Subitize!
In math we learned a new game that used dice and colouring. It helped us practice how to subitize. We know that subitizing is when you look at a number and know what it is without even counting.
We opened 2 more letters today from other schools. We talked about how their towns are different than High River. One was from Saskatchewan and they have farms and grain elevators in their town. We wrote a sentence about what makes our community different than those communities on our whiteboards.
We got our class picture today. It is in our backpack.
Tonight Ms. Mahan is very excited to talk to some of our parents.
Monday, 16 October 2017
Pattern legs!
Today we finished our pattern witches legs in Art by adding a spider and decorations. We also took off the tape for our tree art that we started on Friday and added little lines to make them into Aspen trees.
Most of us finished finding all of the letters on our ABC treasure hunt. We made a capital R and used chalk pastels to turn it into a river to get ready to send our letter to the other schools. We have lots of letters to open tomorrow.
In math most of us finished our pattern crowns and are wearing them home. We all finished our pattern jobs in Mathletics and made our pattern block pictures.
Thursday, 12 October 2017
We are Proactive!
We finished our pattern centers today and we rocked it! We also wrote 2 ideas about how we are proactive on our proactive man. We wrote things like we can think of games to play at recess. Some of us wrote we can help others and we can say sorry.
We used chalk pastels to make a 2 leaves and we worked on a picture of Marshall for a colouring contest because it is a fire prevention week.
Today we learned a new song in Music about a spider. We taught the other grade 1's a new game in PE.
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
A is here!
Today we learned a new song about spiders in music. We made a sentence from a story Ms. Mahan read to us. We know a sentence needs a capital letter and a period.
We are almost done our patterns unit so today we did some math pattern centers so show Ms. Mahan all we know. One Center was to paint witches legs with a pattern and another was to make a pattern out of stickers on a crown. We also made a pattern with beads to make a bracelet and practiced patterns in Mathletics.
We got 2 more letters in the mail, A and Y. One came from Ontario and one was from Quebec. They are both far from us.
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
Today we made a leaf art picture. We made a big leaf and little leaf pieces out of a coffee filter that we sprayed so the colours mixed. We did some patterns on a new app called Mathletics and we coloured a thanksgiving picture that helped us practice our numbers and colour words.
We watched a movie about ants about getting along in their community and then made a list of the rules that we think are important in our class community.
We got a new Book order today.
Monday, 2 October 2017
Snowy Day
Today we drew a pot and added 3 things that have the "ck" sound at the end into it to make our yuck stew. We also listened to the song purple stew and they added crazy things to their pot too. We practiced reading words and colour words to make a turkey
In math we made patterns with bugs and blocks. Some of us made a pattern with 4 different things in it!
We had our pictures and 2 inside recesses because it was so yucky outside.
Thursday, 28 September 2017
Science Center Fun!
Today we went to the science center. It was so much fun!
We went to a special classroom to learn about the 5 senses.
- We used our sense of hearing to listen to some sounds and then we picked the picture that matched the sound we heard.
- We used our sense of touch to try the bed of nails and some of us played in the water making boats
- We used our sense of sight to watch a demonstration about fire with different colours and size of the flames. We also used a dinosaur light to look closely at things.
- We used our sense of smell when we went down a big metal slide that had a funny metal smell and when we smelled the tar at the outside park.
- At lunch tine we used out sense of taste
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Telus Spark Tomorrow
Today we talked about the word "can". We wrote sentence with words I, can, see and the because we have learned all of those words and have them on our word cards. We got new books in our book boxes and practiced listening to reading
We practiced making more patterns today and we made a new calendar folder that we are going to use for calendar next week
We read a book about our senses because tomorrow we are going to the science center. We looked at pictures and talked about what we will do and see there. Ms Mahan reminded us that we are only supposed to bring our lunch bags and not our backpacks tomorrow. We also talked about how our lunches need to be litter-free. We are excited for the filed trip.
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
We had Mail
Today we got a letter in the mail! It was the letter V and it was from Edmonton. We learned lots about their town and their school. They have the Edmonton Oilers in their town.
We are going to make the letter R and mail them to other schools across Canada.
We made pattern with blocks and colours on a paper today.
Thursday, 21 September 2017
OW sound
Monday, 18 September 2017
Zero the Hero ...
Friday, 15 September 2017
Dot Day
Today was Dot day and we each designed our own dot.
We made our dot on a paper and then turned it 3D with the iPads. It was so Cool.
It was our first time using the iPads so Mrs. Saunderson's class taught us some rules:
1. carry the iPad with two hands.
2. Don't put the iPad on the floor
3. Don't have water on your desk when you use an iPad
4. Leave the iPad in the case
Thursday, 14 September 2017
ee trees
Wednesday, 13 September 2017
Fixing Wrinkled Hearts
Lots of us shared our "All about Me" bags with the class today. We also talked about groups that people belong to in our class. We all belong to a family and lots of us belong to groups like soccer, lacrosse, hockey and gymnastics too.
We read a book called Chrysanthemum and every time something mean happened in the story we crumpled our paper heart. After the story we tried to uncrumple them by saying nice things. But it didn't work. We learned that before we speak to think and be smart as it is hard to fix a wrinkled heart.
Tuesday, 12 September 2017
Sky Colour
Today we read a book called "sky colour" about a girl that painted a sky with no blue paint. Then painted our own skies. We learned the skies can be lots of different colours.
We practiced read to self today. In read to self we read in our head, look at the book and stay in one spot.
We had our first library class today. We learned we have to use quiet voices in the learning commons. We talked about using choosing sticks properly.
Monday, 11 September 2017
What is in the bag?
Today we used our sense to figure out what as in a mystery bag. We learned we have 5 senses: taste, smell, feel, seeing and hearing. Our new unit in science is all about the 5 senses. In the bag we found a Freezie and then we shared them with Mrs. Saunderson's Grade 1 class.
We made patterns with blocks and with our bodies today. A pattern is something that repeats and we are going to learn more about patterns in math.
We learned about the letter e and what sound it says. We also practiced writing e in on our whiteboards. We did some new activities like scooters and skipping in the gym.
Friday, 8 September 2017
Assembly Day
We each got a book box today. We put 5 books in them. We have fun books from IMC and even some I Spy books.
We had an assembly today. We saw pictures of all the teacher in our school. Mrs. Quarin-Wright told us to stay inside the fence at recess and not just off the equipment. She also told us how we clap at assemblies
Thursday, 7 September 2017
We can be Superheroes
Today we made a paper city and tomorrow we will use it for our super hero art. We read a super hero book. In the book the superheroes caught the bad guys, helped each other and helped others. We realized that we can do all of those things and can be superheroes of our school too.
We also read a book about a boy who became a cowboy on his summer vacation and then we wrote about our summers. We used both pictures and words to tell our stories.
We read read a book called "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom". Then we made a coconut tree with our name.
Wednesday, 6 September 2017
We Love ...
Today we made our very own book about people that we love. Ms. Mahan took our picture at the park. We held and IPad with a message about what we want to be when we grow up and we got to wear cool sunglasses. We learned how to do Rainbow writing. That is when you write the same word with lots of different colours. We had 2 recesses and we got a bit of extra time to play too.
Tuesday, 23 May 2017
New Caterpillar Home
Today we learned we are going to do something new in the morning. We are going to run around the lake first thing. If it is nice out we will have morning meeting outside. We hope that this will help us concentrate and focus on our learning.
Today we learned that the Ukrainian, Inuit and Acadian people have lots of celebrations. Mrs. Lockton brought our caterpillars got a new house and we learned that one of the caterpillars died already.
Wednesday, 17 May 2017
Yesterday at the zoo we played a game that taught us that bees take nectar from flowers and bring it back to the hive and give it to the queen bee. We also learned that bugs help us in different ways. One way is to that they make the soil that the plants grow in and they also spread the pollen to different flowers. We learned that there are millions of kinds of bugs
Our caterpillars have turned into Chrysalises! Today Mrs. Lockton brought us a video that showed us that caterpillars wiggle out of their caterpillar skin when their chrysalis is ready. It was cool.
Wednesday, 10 May 2017
Traditions in Pakistan
Yesterday Mrs. Raza came to talk to us about the culture in Pakistan. We learned that the weddings can go on for a week and have lots of people at them. We also learned that they hand make their own clothes and they use a kind ink to draw pretty designs on their skin called Henna. We learned that they make carpets by hand in Pakistan and she told us they are thick and beautiful. We also got to try some traditional food like rainbow rice and rice pudding. We learned that the women love to wear gold.
Monday, 8 May 2017
Ukrainian Traditions.
Today we learned about Ukrainian peoples traditions . We learned they like to eat perogies as this is a traditional food for them. They also like to eat a soup called borscht that is made with beets so it is red. They have different kinds of instruments called panpipes, tsymbaly and a bandura. Ukrainian people used to live in the Ukraine and they wear they have colorful clothes. .
We learned that when we are writing animals sounds they sometimes don't look like normal words. We wrote the sounds that our animals are going to make when we write our duck on the bike stories.
We also got a new book order today and some caterpillars!
We learned that when we are writing animals sounds they sometimes don't look like normal words. We wrote the sounds that our animals are going to make when we write our duck on the bike stories.
We also got a new book order today and some caterpillars!
Monday, 1 May 2017
Plasticine Boats
Today we learned about some of the Inuit traditions like living in igloos in the winter and skin tents in the summer. They used to travel by dogsled but now they use skidoos We learned that an Inuit persons jacket is called a parka and it has fur around the hood.
We learned what makes a good Plasticine boat like not being to heavy at the bottom and the walls should be big so the water can not come up over the sides.
We learned what makes a good Plasticine boat like not being to heavy at the bottom and the walls should be big so the water can not come up over the sides.
Tuesday, 25 April 2017
Doubles and Near Doubles
Today the grade 1's learned about doubles like 1+1 =2. We know that the answers are just like counting by 2's. The grade 2's learned about near doubles where we can add 1 to one of the numbers in the equation and then we just need to add 1 to the answer too like 6+6 =12 so 6+7=13.
Today at gym we learned a new game that is the opposite of line tag where we had to jump over the lines instead of running on them. If we got tagged or if we stepped on a line we had to do a different exercise.
Monday, 24 April 2017
Plastic and Straw Boats
Today we made a boat out of straws and and plastic wrap. We think that a good boat has walls around the outside. We also think that a big boat could hold more because it was more steady. The big boats all held 15 Jellybeans. We learned that you need to spread out the weight so it does not tip over.
Today we practiced adding number using a 10 frame. We know that one 10 frame has to be full before you start a new one. In math we learned how to find the number in the middle of the addition equations and solve story problems.
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
We are Ready to Dance
Today we did our dance in front of the school and we saw everybody else dances. Now we are excited to come back to school tonight at 6:30 and show our dance to all the parents. We need to wear white or yellow.
We are also very excited because we are going to watch "James and the Giant Peach" and wear our PJ's tomorrow. We are also going to bring our stuffies and blankets if we want. We can even bring James and the Giant Peach snacks.
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
James and the Giant Peach
Today we learned about about "James and the Giant Peach" because we are trying to finish the book before our "James and the Giant Peach" party on Thursday. We get to wear our PJ's and bring stuffies for the party. We can also bring peach snacks.
We had the laptops and we practiced doing internet research about animals on the learning commons website. We learned some things about spiders like some spiderlings eat their mother when she dies. GROSS!
Tomorrow is the family dance and we are supposed to wear yellow or white.
We had the laptops and we practiced doing internet research about animals on the learning commons website. We learned some things about spiders like some spiderlings eat their mother when she dies. GROSS!
Tomorrow is the family dance and we are supposed to wear yellow or white.
Pattern Easter Eggs
Today we were learning about Ukrainian Easter eggs and the patterns in them. We each got a bag of shapes and started to design our own Ukrainian Easter Egg. We learned the last few step of our dance with Miss Nicky. Tomorrow we will practice it again so we are ready to show our parents on Wednesday night.
We started researching for our life cycle of an animal from James and the Giant peach. The lady bug people picked pupa and larva as some of their stages of the life cycle. We used some different sights and some books to help us choose the categories for the life cycle.
Tomorrow is the day for our home reading draw this month.
Friday, 7 April 2017
Easter is Coming
Today we made a bunny art by cutting out a bunny shapeand then painting around the outside. Then we took the bunny off and then we glued a fuzzy bunny tail on the white shape it left. We also made a giant peach by putting strips of paper in a circle to make them look like a 3D peach. On Monday we will finish it by turning it into our favorite scene from the book.
We picked an animals from" James and he Giant Peach" that we want to research and we went to the library and pulled books about those animals from the non fiction section. We also looked on Raz Kid, World book online and Bookflix to see if we can find more information about their lifecycles.
Thursday, 6 April 2017
We are Multicultural
Today we learned about life cycles and then we picked an animal from "James and the Giant Peach" that we want to learn more about their life cycle.
We learned about the word multicultural. We learned that our class is very multi cultural because we have lots of different beliefs, languages and beliefs in our class.
Thursday, 30 March 2017
Poems are Everywhere
Today we learned how to make poems in places in the school or anywhere. We made a poem about the gym and the library. We watched a video about how people use graphs to count animals in real life. We practiced putting information into a pictograph and reading a pictograph by ourselves . We are getting pretty good at it.
Today we started our dance unit with Miss Nicky and she taught us some stretches and some spins. We will get our song and learn our dance on Monday. It is still a surprise.
We got a book order today it is due on Thursday so we can get the books back by Easter.
Today we started our dance unit with Miss Nicky and she taught us some stretches and some spins. We will get our song and learn our dance on Monday. It is still a surprise.
We got a book order today it is due on Thursday so we can get the books back by Easter.
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