Wednesday, 31 January 2018

We are ready!

Miss Marnie came to our class so we had our fast daily 5 rotations with her.  Miss Marnie helps us with making our hands strong. 
We practiced for our student led conference so are all ready to  show off to our parents.  We even had a friend be our practice parent so we could practice.
We had 2 indoor recesses because it was so cold outside today. 

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Good Sentences

We got our desks ready to show our parents at student-led conferences tomorrow and on Thursday.
We did some more work on numbers to 20 and talked about how all the teen number have 1-10 and then some extra ones.
We talked more about making light and dark co lours and are excited to show our parents how we can mix colours at student led conferences.
We practiced writing good sentences again today. We know they need capitals, periods, finger spaces, detail, and our letters need to be sitting on the line and the right size.

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Snowmen at Night

In art we made a snowman at night. We turned off the light and noticed that everything went black so all the shapes in our picture are black.  We made a picture that matched Ms. Mahans with oil pastel. the picture even has a shadow.  We we made an umbrella with 6 colors and 3 or the colours we made by mixing. 
We practiced counting 20 twenty and showing teen number in different ways. One of the ways was to make the number in a ten frame and to colour that many stars.  Some of us did a flight check to show off are reading.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

5 Colour Picture

Today we tried making this picture using only 5 colours, red, blue, yellow, white and black.  We had to mix colours to make some of the colours like red and yellow to make orange and black and white to make grey.  We mixed our last 2 colours of jello and learned that blue and yellow make green. 
We practiced making w's on our little whiteboards today.  We know we need started on the dotted line so we make sure it is lowercase not uppercase. 
We sang a song about mice in music.   The mice ran because the cat woke up.  Ask us to sing it for you when we get home.  In gym we played the game waspital because our two birthday boys for January got to pick the game. 

Monday, 22 January 2018

Jello Mixing

Today we mixed colour with Jello we mixed red and yellow to make orange and we mixed blue and red to make purple.  After we mixed we got to eat the Jello.  
We read a book about  adding details to the middle of our stories.  We used the pictures in the book to make the stories better because all their stories said was "Once upon a time and then the end".  We  writing our own stories about a snowman and today we started by drawing the pictures for our story.  

Thursday, 18 January 2018


In math we did some rotations.  We took some pictures of shapes around the school, counted how many triangles we could find in a picture and did some Mathletics.
We sang a song about snowmen and snowflakes in music, ask us to sing it for you when we get home.  We moved our desks so we are in groups of three so we can sit with some new friends.

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Lighter and Darker

Today we painted 3 papers.  We painted one light blue, one medium blue and one dark blue. We mixed black and blue to make dark blue  and we mixed white and blue to make light blue
We made a c page for our alphabet book and practiced printing cs in our letter book and with wet dry try. 
We practiced our making our numbers in math with Wet, Dry, Try. and we did some centers to practice our numbers to 20. 

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Wet, Dry, Try

Today we made some art by drawing a shape lots of time and making sure it overlapped. After we drew them and then we coloured each section with different shade of a colour. We used a light, medium and dark pencil crayon or crayon of the same colour.
We talked a lot about the lower case "a" today we know we make it by making a magic C then going straight up and straight down.  We used an app called "wet dry try" to practice making our letters.  Ask us to show you tonight. 
We wrote lots of words that start with the letter a like alligator, apple, airplane and ant.  Then we made our own "a" page for a alphabet book.