Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Terry Fox
Today we watched some videos about Terry Fox. Terry Fox had a prosthetic leg. We learned he started running at one ocean and he was trying to run across Canada to try to get back to his home in Vancouver. Every day he ran 42 km or a marathon. We know he only made it part way before he got cancer again. He made lots of money that he gave to help do research so other kids don't get cancer like he did.
Ms. Mahan showed us a video about a man she went to school with that has no arms and legs but he can still drive a tractor.
We have a note in our agenda for you to ask us about Terry Fox and to help us fill out the sticker that we will bring back to school to wear on the Terry Fox run.
Monday, 24 September 2018

Today we made an alphabet chart in a group. We are going to brain storm different places in High River that start with each letter of the alphabet tomorrow. We wrote in our agenda that we are doing the Terry Fox run on Friday.
We read a book that taught us that when we are grumpy all the time everything seems worse than it really is. We need to smile and things seem better. The book told us that instead of saying "I have to..." we can say "I get to ..." and look for the good things!
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
The Smooch
Today we learned more about eyes and we had a special guest called Mrs. Argue come talk to us. She cant see out of one eye and very little out of the other eye. She lives here in High River. She can still hear and she uses that sense even more now that she cant see very well. She had a special stick that she moves in front of her to make sure she doesn't bump into things. She had special glasses that help her see so she can go for walks.
She even wrote her own booked called The Smooch and she read it to us. The main character was frog was named Tag. He kissed a fairy and she turned into a frog. The writing in the book was white on black pages and we leaned that most people have troubles seeing can see better with white writing on black paper. She let us use her machine that made the things look much bigger and even changed the colour of things. We had to look at the screen and not at the paper to write our name and colour. It as hard.
We read a book called Happy Dreamer and then we talked and wrote about about our dreams and what makes us happy.
We read a book called I cant believe you just said that taught us about our inside voice and our outside voice. We need to make sure that the things we say with our outside voice go through the social filter so they are not rude and hurtful to others
She even wrote her own booked called The Smooch and she read it to us. The main character was frog was named Tag. He kissed a fairy and she turned into a frog. The writing in the book was white on black pages and we leaned that most people have troubles seeing can see better with white writing on black paper. She let us use her machine that made the things look much bigger and even changed the colour of things. We had to look at the screen and not at the paper to write our name and colour. It as hard.
We read a book called Happy Dreamer and then we talked and wrote about about our dreams and what makes us happy.
We read a book called I cant believe you just said that taught us about our inside voice and our outside voice. We need to make sure that the things we say with our outside voice go through the social filter so they are not rude and hurtful to others
Monday, 17 September 2018
Changing Eyes

Today we went outside to look for things we see in the fall. Some of the things we saw were trees with yellow leaves and grass that is dying.
In music we learned about a world far far away from us. In the song they went to catch seals and they cut open seals and use the fat.
We learned about our eyes in Science. We watched each others eyes when the lights in the room got darker and brighter. It was cool. We saw that when the room is bright our pupil (black part) gets smaller so not too much light goes in. When it is darker they get bigger to let more light in. It was fun to watch our partners pupils change.
Monday, 10 September 2018
What I am ...
Today we had library for the first time We got to take out 2 books and we get to keep them until next Monday.
We had PE today. We played Ghostbuster tag and the ghosts had to try to tag people with soccer balls. If the you got tagged you had to put the ball on your head until someone someone else put their ball through your legs. Everyone had a ball except the ghosts . We also played another game where we built a hut out of hula hoops and tried to knock other peoples huts down with ball. Their were builders and thrower.
We watched a song about "What I am" and then we made a picture of ourselves with a sentence about what we are on it.
Friday, 7 September 2018
Golden Garbage!

Today we had an assembly today about back to school and setting some of the rules for the year. We learned that we can get a golden garbage can full of treats if we keep our classroom and boot shelf clean.
We did a drawing of oursleves and used mirrors to look at all the parts of our face. We did read to self for the first time today. We wrote a list about what we need to when we are reading to self, like keep our hands to ourselves and find a good spot away from others.
We had centers for the first time at the end if the day. It was lots of fun.
Wednesday, 5 September 2018
What is in that Bag?

Lots of people brought their bags today so we got to learn new things about our classmates
We talked about the letter C and then we went for a walk around the school to look for things that start with c.
We had our first morning meeting today and we shook hands and learned other peoples names. We also learned about a new thing we will have each morning called morning bins.
We read a book about a girl who changed colors. The only way she changed back was to be herself and eat Lima beans. We talked about being ourselves every day.
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
Is There a Dinosaur in our School?

Today we read a story called: We Don't Eat Our Classmates and then we found our own toy dinosaur on the playground. It was in a dino egg. We looked around the school for signs that dinosaurs might be in our school
We made some things from playdough - like buildings, people in our family and places we like to visit.
We think it was a great first day!!
Please ask me about my emoji!!!
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