Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Gingerbread Day

Today made a picture of our gingerbread character with 2-D shapes.  We used brown paper and made triangles, rectangles, hexagons and squares and then we glued it on a bigger piece of coloured paper.  In the afternoon we made our gingerbread character on a gingerbread cookie. We made them with icing and candies.  When we were done Ms. Mahan took our picture with it and then we got to eat it.
We even wrote our own story for our gingerbread character and we drew a picture of what would happen at the end.
We read lots of Gingerbread books.  One book was about a gingerbread man that was lost in a school.  Another book was called the Gingerbread Pirate it was about a gingerbread boy who didn't know who Santa was or what Christmas was.    
We took some pictures of  2-D shapes with the iPads in the hallway.  We made made a special Christmas present for our moms and dad.
We are excited that tomorrow is the Polar Express party and we get to wear our PJ's and bring a teddy, blanket or pillow.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

3D elves

We made elves made out of 3D objects today.  We were lucky because some parents came to help.  One of those moms was helping us by hot gluing pieces onto our elves.  We used tape and hot glue to connect him together.  We wrapped our elves and we added faces to the spheres
We went to twelve days of fitness.  One of the activities we did was two toe touches and three muscle poses.  We started planning our gingerbread story today.  We have been reading lots of Gingerbread stories this month. Tomorrow we are going to make our own gingerbread character and write a story about it.  If anyone would like to send a small bag of candies or icing for students to share they are welcome to.

Monday, 14 December 2015

Christmas in the Past

Today we went to the museum of the Highwood and we learned about what Christmas was like in the past.  We learned that they ate roast beef for their Christmas dinner because there was lots of cows.  We learned that they did not have cars so they used sleighs and horses to go places instead.  They brought evergreen trees into their house just like we do today.  They do this to remind them that the winter will one day end and spring will come.
We learned that they did not have fancy stockings like we do so they used to use the biggest sock they could find to hang up.  They might get homemade toys in their stockings.  They would ususally get fruit that came on the train in their stocking and it was very special.
She showed us some old toys that were in display cases.  The toys used to be homemade or they picked them from catalogs and it took along time for them to get here.
We talked about the Christmas Carol Jingle Bells and she told us that when it say "Bells on Bobtail"  that is because they cut the horses tail short and then put bells on them.  We sang Jingle Bells and rang little bells while we sang.
They had an exportation center and we got to play old fashion.  They had a store and some dress up clothes.  At the end she read us a book called a porcupine in a pine tree and we made a craft of a paper candy cane

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Shape Snowflakes

Today e made a snowflake out of shapes and then we counted how many shapes had 3, 4 or 5 sides.  In Science we wrote about the senses we used to make our acrobat and then we got to play with them for a while.  We could balance everywhere even on our nose and feet! We watched a little bit of a video about Christmas in the past and we saw that they made their own Christmas tree with sticks.  They did not have very much money to buy stuff from expensive store.

Today we are taking home our bubble gum writing.  It takes up lots of room in our backpack so some of us had to pop the balloon. We did gym and in gym we played ornament tag and if you got tagged you had to sit down and sing a Christmas carol and you got free when someone sang the Christmas carol with you for 10 counts.

We looked at the calendar today and we know we have lots of exciting things happening next week and then we have no school for 2 weeks!

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Christmas in the Past Toys and Ornaments

Today we made acrobats with toothpicks skewers, corks and play-doh.  They balanced on our finger just like magic. We also made an ornament with cloves and an orange slice.  We stuck the cloves in the orange to make a design.  We made these decorations and toys because in the past they used to make your decorations and gifts because they did not have as much money to spend buying them.

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

3D Shapes

We watched the Grade 3-5 practice for their Christmas concert this afternoon.  Their show is tonight and we watched them so they could have practice doing their show in front of an audience. There was lots of singing and lots of funny parts in the play. There was  a Santa and Mrs. Clause and elves in the play.  
We did read to self for 6 minutes today and  we know we need to keep reading over the Christams holidays so we can keep building our stamina. In math we made some 3-D shapes and then we picked our favourite one.  Ms. Mahan took our picture with that shape and we did some writing about it.
In morning meeting and we talked about our favourite Christmas Carol. Ms. Mahan told us we are going to go to the gym everyday next week and practice singing Christmas carols.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Christmas Concert

reindeer Today in morning meeting we shared how we "Sharpend the Saw" on the weekend.  Lots of us did Christmas stuff and one person even went on the polar express to see Santa.  We got new books in our book boxes and we made a sight word paper chain.  We started making an acrobat because this is a toy that someone might have got in the past.  We made it by writing our name and colouring a cork. We will finish it tomorrow.
We went to the church to practice our songs because our Christmas concert is tonight.  We stood on the risers and practiced in front of the whole school. The Christmas concert starts at 5:30 but we need to come to school around 5:15 and we need to stay for both concerts.
See you tonight!

Friday, 4 December 2015

Gingerbread Girl!

cinnamon-ornaments gingerbread boy Today we practiced work on writing.  Work on writing is when we work on writing by ourselves and we stay in one spot and work quietly.  If we don't know a word we sound it out and underline.  We also read a book about the Gingerbread Girl.  She ran away from the old lady that made her by jumping right out of the oven.  We talked about how the book was like the "Gingerbread boy."
In the afternoon we worked in partners to trace our hands onto brown paper.  We cut them then we turned our hand tracings into antlers that we are going to wear for our Reindeer Rap at the Christmas concert.  We had an extra long recess because we had to go to music at a different time today.
We had an assembly about the 7 habits.  We got a piece of paper and with a partner from another grade we wrote what our school feels like, sounds like and makes us feel like.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

2-D and 3-D shapes

Shape Sorter Today we did some writing in our Social dictionary about the word Urban. We wrote a sentence about what you would find in an urban place and we added windows to our skyscrapers we made yesterday.
We had PE and we played a game called reindeer tag.  If you got tagged you had to gallop around the North Pole in the middle of the gym.  We also played the game again where we acted like different Christmas things like jingling like a bell.
We had rotation in Math.  The centers were Mathletics on the IPad, building a tower with 3-D shapes, sorting centers and trying to make 3-D and 2-D shapes with the playdoh.
We know that our book orders are due tomorrow!

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Urban Communities

Gold Lock
Today we practiced a lock down.   When the lock-down happened we hid and were very quiet.
We went to Library and picked new books.
We had gym and we played a game where we had to turn a person in to a snowman using hoops and a pylon.  We also did Christmas warm ups where we acted like a snowman melting and an angel flying.
In Social we added to our U page in our Social dictionary by writing the sentence about Urban and making Sky scrapers.  We also watched a video about urban communities.  We finished our rural window by adding our curtains.  They are hanging in the hallway now.
We practiced for our Christmas concert lots today and Ms Mahan gave us an important note at the end of the day.

Monday, 30 November 2015

New Book Orders

Today we did some writing about rural in our social alphabet book.  We wrote "R is for Rural.  Rural means that a place has..." and then we finished the sentence.  We know there is lots of wheat in rural places so some of is wrote that.  On the other side we made the ground for a picture with Q-tips.  We also took the tape off our rural watercolour painting that we did last week and they look beautiful.
In gym we played a game when you got tagged you turned into a Christmas tree and then to be free someone needed to go under your legs and say what they want for Christmas.  Ms. Mahan gave us all of your work from Novemeber back today and we picked what we wanted to go in our frame.  We helped by handing out all the papers to the right person.
We got a new book order today and they are due back on Friday so we can get our books in time for Christmas.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Rural painting

Today we did a painting of hills, ground and mountains and sky because we are learning about farms.  We know another name for farms is rural.  We did some writing in our journal and some of us choose to write about a time when we were embarrassed!  In math we did sorting centers and practiced sorting in different ways.
In gym we played a game called "The Great Wall" and the kids that got tagged stood on the line and the people who are not it had to run past the wall without getting tagged.  It was hard.  We also played dodge ball but if we got hit by the ball we went to the side and did 10 jumping jacks to get back in the game.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Blowing Bubbles

Today we made a poster or planned what we are going to say in a video to teach little kids about a number between 5-10.  Tomorrow we will make the videos.  We also got to chew gum and blow bubbles at school! After we wrote down the steps we need to take to blow a bubble.  We drew our faces and blew up a pink balloon to hang up on the wall with our writing.
In morning meeting we shared what we did to sharpen the saw on the weekend.  We also practiced following maps to find the letters again.  The group that did not get to use the map to find the letters on Friday got their turn today.
Some of us made some straight, wiggly and pointy lines on a paper for an art project we are going to do tomorrow.  In the gym we played a game that we try to act like animals.  We pretend the gym is that animals cage.  We also did read to self but we only made it to 7 minutes.  We need to remember to keep our eyes on our book not on the group that Ms. Mahan is reading with.
Ms Mahan put some tape with our names on it on our boot shelf today so we always have a spot to put our boots.  She also asked us to ask our parents write our names on our boots so we don't have anymore boot mix ups at recess.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Reading Maps!

Today we had an assembly about the 7 habits. We watched a few videos and had to say if the animals were doing habit 1 or habit 2.  We also made a collage about a group that we belong to.  We cut out or drew lots of pictures about that group and then shared our collage with the rest of the class.
We made a map of the school and then we went on a hunt to find different letters to spell the word "belong".  The people that made the map went with the people hunting to give hints.  When we got all the letters and spelled the word we got a tidbit as our treasure.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Root Beer Floats

Cereal Milk Ice Cream Root Beer Float
Today was the 50th day of school and we did 50's stuff all day!
In morning meeting we shared what we know about the 1950's  We played a game with 50 records on it and dice.  We rolled the dice and then we colored the number of records that match the dice.  We coloured  jukeboxes with colour words on them.  We know that you used to put money in a jukebox and it played music in the 1950's.
We made a  root beer float because that what they had as a snack in the 1950's.  We wrote a book about how to make them. Some of us added pictures to our books.We did a word search about 50's words  too.
We read a book called "The Earth Book" and it talked about ways we can save the earth like putting our scraps in the recycling.
There is an assembly tomorrow afternoon about the 7 habits.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015


Today we talked about washing our hands and how germs spread.  We used glitter to show how germs spread.  All the glitter started on Ms. Mahan's hands but the glitter germs spread to almost all of us. After we wrote the step of how to wash our hands.    
Today we had library and we read a Christmas book.  The Christmas books are out now so lots of us checked them out!  We had catch up and almost all of us finished our goals balloons and our Peace is book pages.We played sharks and minnows in PE and we did read to self for 10 min.

Tomorrow is 50's day!

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Our Cards Here!

Today our cards came in and they are shrunk!  We were so excited to see them!  Our parents can order them and they are only 2 dollars each.  The orders are due next week.  
Today  we talked about feeling.  We wrote what the feeling is, drew what the head would look like if you felt that way and acted out what you body would be doing if you felt that way.  We read a story about a ladybug who helped a farmer so they wouldn't take the prize cow.  After we read the story we made a map too.  We wrote letters and words on our map too.
Ms. Mahan's mom came to visit us today and she used to be a grade 1 teacher too.  She taught for a very long time.  She was excited to meet us.  We bounced basketballs in gym and we threw them in the net. We did read to self but we only made it to 4 minutes.  We will practice more tomorrow.  

Friday, 13 November 2015


Today we did a new thing called Plickers.  To use them, Ms. Mahan read a question and we said our answers by turning our cards in different ways.  Miss Mahan would scan our cards with her phone to put our answers in the computer.  When our card had been scanned it put a check beside our name.
We did read to self and we made it to 11 minutes.  We did some Mathletics and we played  2 different freeze tag games in gym.  We did a self assessment about our work habits.  In the self assessment we coloured the target red if we rarely did it, green if we always did it and yellow if we sometimes did it.
Don't forget book orders are due on Monday.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Picture Retakes are Tomorrow!

Behind the camera
Today we had library and we got our new books.  We read a book in a different language with numbers and we practiced saying those numbers the different language.  We did read to self and we made it up to 10 and a half minutes!  We also wrote 2 sentences about how we are proactive.
We practiced writing the numbers in different ways, like as a picture, as a word and as a number.
The dental lady came and put flouride on some of our teeth and it tasted like bubbleegum!
Don't forget picture retakes are tomorrow!

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

We Remember

We an important assembly for Remembrance Day today.  We put our wreaths at the front and we sang Oh Canada.  We watched a video about soldiers and a man came to talk about soldiers too.  There was a police officer who wore her special occasion red outfit and that carried the Canada flag into the gym.
We painted tinfoil, saran wrap, tissue paper and normal paper with purple paint.  We found out paint does not stick nicely to tin foil and plastic.
We had PE at a different time today because of the assembly. We went outside for an early recess and played with the big snowballs.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Poppy Art

Today we finished our hot air balloons. We wrote goals on the bottom brown part and then attached it to the top balloon with pipe cleaners.  We wrote one sentence about what we want to be when we grow up on the basket and one sentence  about what we need to learn now so we can do that job.
We did science rotations.  At one center we looked at some liquids in bags.  We wrote down if they were transparent or opaque.  We looked at things like soap, oils, milk.  If we could see through we wrote transparent if we couldn't see through we wrote opaque.  
In another center we did thick and thin painting with liquid paint.  To make the paint thin we used more water. In the last center we did coloured the word Thank you to match the sample on the board. We used oil pastels or paint pucks.  We coloured stems on our poppies with green oil pastel, they are hanging in the hall
In gym we played a game to practice control.  We threw a bean bag in the air and caught it with a paddle or a scoop.  

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Todd Parr Drawing

In Social we are learning about our school so we did a walk around the school to explore rooms in our school.  In gym we did a walk around the lake with Mrs. Saunderson's class.  We did this because people were talking about student council elections in the gym at our normal gym time.
We did a Todd Parr drawing where we practiced following Ms. Mahan directions and drew what she drew.  We made it bright and colorful just like Todd Parr. We practiced read to self and we made it 9 min again!
We made a poppy for our Remembrance Day wreath to remember the soldiers that died.  We used the chalk pastels we used our fingers to help us colour.  In morning meeting we shared whats your favourite part of having a family.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Fire Drill

Today we painted a sunset to practice making thick and thin paint.  We also practiced drawing poppies because Remembrance Day is coming next week
In morning meeting we shared what where we would rather go to the beach or the mountains.  We did read to self and we made it to 9 minuites again today and we had library. We read a book about a witch called "Straga Nona" and 2 Todd Parr books.
We had a fire drill and we all lined up really fast and then Ms. Mahan  checked off our names to make sure we were all safe. We put lots of stuff in our black folders today with a note from Ms. Mahan.  We put our favorite thing in the blue basket to go in our frame on the wall.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Thick and Thin Paint

COLORWHEEL for the Count and Spell Color Recognition Beanbags
Today in morning meeting we shared how we sharpened the saw on the weekend.
In Science we practiced how to make paint thick and thin.  We know we can make it thick by using a little bit of water and lots of paint. We make it thin by using a little paint and more water.  We also practiced mixing colours with paint. We mixed blue and red and it made purple, yellow and blue made green, and yellow and red made orange.
Most of us finished out ABC upper case and lower case books today.  We also did a self assessment about how we think we did in our unit about patterns. Then we wrote some numbers and number words on whiteboards.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Halloween Fun!

Jack o' Lanterns
What a fun day we had!  In morning meeting we shared how we have been proactive this month.  We had some snacks that people brought to share, one of the snacks was cupcakes and there was cheese eyeballs, fruit, cookies and veggies.
We mixed colours with Jello and playdough.  We know when you mix red and blue it makes purple, blue and yellow make green and that yellow and red make orange  
After lunch we put our costumes on.  We went to the gym and we had a parade to show off our costumes to the rest of the school.  The Grade 4 and 5 Halloween leaders made some Halloween centers for us to do in the afternoon.  One of the centers was musical chairs, another one was tossing a hoop on 3 leaders.  We also wrapped some of the leaders in toilet paper to make them a mummy.
Hope everyone has a happy and safe Halloween.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Halloween is Tomorrow

Today we made a video of us reading our 5 little pumpkins book or reading our Fall colours book. We read a story about the spider and we know a mom spider lays over 1000 eggs.  We worked in our poetry book and we practiced the word like and then we read the like poem to ourselves, to a partner and then all together.
In Math we made a pattern crown or a pattern bracelet and then Ms. Mahan videoed us telling all the things we know about that pattern.  We worked on our pattern witches, the witches legs are patterns.  Some of us went on Mathletics if we were all done our other jobs.
We had morning meeting and shared what we are going to do for a costume tomorrow.  We know that tomorrow we are wearing our costumes and we are putting on our costumes after lunch.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Patterns Everywhere

We did morning meeting and we talked about our favorite treat because Halloween is coming in 4 days.  We did a pattern in the Draw and Tell app on the IPad and we practiced saying our pattern in different ways.  We also made witches legs with patterns and then we are going to add shoes and a skirt to her on Thursday.
In Science we drew rainbows with the colors in the right order and then we wrote some sentence about them.
We did read to self and we made it for more then 9 minutes today.  We had library and we read a book about cats.  We played a game in Gym called Pipsqueak and Walter.

Monday, 26 October 2015

Food Paint!

Today in morning meeting we went around in the circle and shared what we did to" Sharpen the Saw" this weekend.  We fianlly made it to 9 minutes in read to self!
In Science we made a spider web with white crayon then we painted it with paint that Ms. Mahan made.  One paint was made from coffee, one was from berries, one was from beets and one was from lettuce.  We made rainbows outside with prisms and then coloured over the rainbow that we made on the ground with sidewalk chalk.
We did gym and practiced looking sharp when Ms. Mahan blew the whistle and we played the pumpkin patch game.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

We Have Homework

Today in morning meeting we shared what makes us happy. In read to self we only made it to 5 minutes.  We will practice sitting beside good reading partners on Monday.  We did "catch up" today one of the things we were catching up on was our 5 little pumpkins books, we also worked on our ABC matching book.  Some of us caught up on we our fall book and we did listening to reading.
 We read a story called "This Plus That" and a story called "It's Not Fair" both were by Amy Krouse Rosenthal. We did some writing about fall all by ourselves to practice sounding out words when we write.We were making more patterns in math. We are getting very good at showing patterns in different ways.
We have homework this weekend!  It is home reading.  We need to practice our reading by reading a book to our families.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

8 Minutes!

We did read to self today and made it up to 8 minutes!  We had literacy centers and one of the things we did was matching capital letters to lowercase letters.  We also finished our guessing ghost so they can hang up in the hall and our parents can guess which one is us tomorrow and Thursday when they come to visit.
In Science got a fall page and we wrote down 4 things we know that happen when fall comes.  One was about animals, one was about people, one was about plants and the last one we could pick anything else we know about fall.
In math we made patterns on a sheet with colours and we practiced patterns with our bodies.  We also made patterns with bingo dabbers in our math journals.

Monday, 19 October 2015

We Read for 7 Minutes!

Today in  Morning Meeting we shared how we sharpened the saw this weekend.  We did read to self and we made it up to 7 minutes!  We also practiced reading some of the poems in our poetry book. We talked about the word me and wrote some sentences with me in them.
Now that our moon paintings have dried we made a fence to add to it and we put Halloween stickers on it.  It was fun.  Most of us finished out Pictures for our cards that we started on Friday.  We also cut out some pictures from magazines to make some colour posters for purple, pink and blue to hang in our room.  Some of us practiced mixing colours of orange to paint a pumpkin to look just like the one Ms. Mahan painted.
We played freeze tag in the gym.  We are almost to the top of the cottonball jar so we think we will get our Halloween party!

Friday, 16 October 2015

Pictures Are In!

Today in Art we got a piece of paper and we practiced drawing winter and Christmas stuff.  After, we got a big sheet of paper and we made a good copy.  Most of us are not done our good copy yet.  When we are done, Ms. Mahan is going to send them away and they will shrink them to turn our art into cards.
We did math centers today.  There was one about spiders where we have to look at the number and find the right web that matches that number.  We practicing subsidizing when we do that center too.
Some kids met with Ms Mahan, some went on Mathletics and some did patterns with bingo dobbers in their math journals.
In morning meeting we talked about our favorite sport and then we read a story called Little Oink about a pig who did not like to make a mess. In literacy rotations some of us cut out a ghost and made clues about us, some of us did Halloween word centers and some did Raz Kids.
We had to hand in all our IMC books in today because they are going to a new school and we will borrow some new ones soon.
We did Calendar and we know next week our parents get to come to school with us on Wednesday and Thursday night for Parent Teacher Interviews.  We also got our pictures today and if our families want to order pictures they need to do it by October 26th.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Mixing Colours

We logged into Mathletics for the first time.  For some of us logging in was easy and for some of us it was hard. We practiced some patterns in Mathletics. Ms Mahan showed us some new Halloween math centers that we will try tomorrow
We practiced reading to self today and we dropped down to 5 this morning but went back up to 6 this afternoon.  We are practicing building our Stamina.  We also did Elmer and Brown Bear centers this morning in Language Arts.
We talked more about being proactive, keeping our hands to ourselves and that you are in charge of you.  We made some art by mixing different colours with white and black.  The white circle was the moon. We had gym and we played Snake Island and Superhero Freeze Tag.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Our black folders are full!

In morning meeting we shared what we did over Thanksgiving weekend.  We practiced read to self and we read for 6 minutes!  That is the longest we have ever read to self for. We wrote Halloween words in our journals.  We put our ice cream scoops together by putting them in order so the lightest was at the bottom and the darkest at the top and we put the scoops in a cone.

We had library today and we switched our books and read a story called Scared Stiff.  In our class we read a story about a two people who were fighting over whether the picture was a duck or a rabbit. The picture was an optical illusion.

We have lots of things in our take home folder today.  We have a new book order on the school bus side.  The book order is due on October 22.  We have the work we did September on the leave at home side with a yellow note from Ms. Mahan.  But the thing we are most proud of from our September work are hanging in a frame on our wall!

Thursday, 8 October 2015

We are Thankful!

Today in science we talked about how to make colours lighter and darker by painting ice cream scoops.  We added black to make the colour darker and white to make it lighter  We also practiced our colour words by colouring dogs the colour that the word said.
We practiced our words I, see and can.  We drew an eye when we saw the word I,  if we saw the word see we drew two eyes, and if we saw the word can we drew a can.  We are getting pretty good at reading those words.  We also made turkeys where we wrote words or pictures of things we are thankful for.
We had library and exchanged our books.  In math we did math centers to practice our numbers. We also practiced printing our numbers correctly in our yellow printing book.
 Have a great long weekend everyone.  Don't forget we have library on Tuesday!

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Wonderful Wednesday - October 7th

We had a great day in 1M today.  We started with our morning meeting.  After the meeting, we did the first of three practice sessions to increase our read-to-self stamina.  The first time didn't go too well.  Some of us forgot that we have to stay in one spot....  The next two tries were much better.  Our best time was 3:38.  Yeah! 
We reviewed Habit One right after the morning meeting. What a difference it made to our day.  We had much more success with being proactive.  Many of us were caught doing the right thing when no one was watching!  We know that we are the boss of ourselves and that we need to always try and make good decisions. 
Today in health class we talked about the holiday of Thanksgiving and what we are thankful for.  Some of the examples were being thankful for our families, food, our school, our friends, our toys, living in Canada, the earth and our celebrations.  Did we remember to show you the turkeys that we made today in class? 
Mrs. H.J. read a book to us called Fried Feathers for Thanksgiving. 
We worked in our poetry books and did some Social Studies work. 
Image result for turkey

Tuesday, 6 October 2015


We learned about "ow" words today. We made a flower out of paper and we wrote words on the petals that had the "ow" sound like brown, powder and owl.  We practiced cutting with our thumb in the little hole too!
We read a book called "Spoon" about a spoon feeling like his life was not fun but then he remembered all the fun things he can do that the other kitchen stuff can't. We practiced more read to self and we worked on remembering to keep our eyes on the book, reading, the whole time.  It was hard but we are working on building our stamina.
We had an extra recess again today because the pictures were still happening in the library.  We will have library on Thursday instead.  We played a new game in gym called ball tag.
We looked at the leadership board today and some of us even applied for leadership job like milk leaders and recess leaders.
We wore our PJ's today and it was awesome.  We voted and next time we fill the bucket we get to have a Halloween dance and science party.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Picture Day

Breaking in a new camera.
In morning meeting we talked about what we did to sharpen the saw on the weekend.
In daily 5 we practiced read to self.  We each have a reading chart where we are colour in the squares to keep track of the minutes we read for.   This is called Stamina.  We know stamina is doing something even if it is hard.  The first time we practiced we read for 4 minutes but the second time we only for one minute because we were not staying in one spot.
We talked about the word "The"  and wrote and drew about it in our journal. We went outside and we talked about fall.  We drew a picture of one of the trees on our playground. We coloured our leaves green and gold because the leaves are changing colours.  Some leaves were even falling off the tree. We went out side for an extra recess because we were getting our picture taken during gym time.

Don't forget there is library tomorrow!

Thursday, 1 October 2015

The Jar is Full!

In morning meeting this morning we picked what we like better Halloween or Thanksgiving because we started October today and both those holidays are this month.  We did daily 5.  Part of it was read to self where read by ourselves in our brain.  We also did listen to reading with the Ipads and our headphones.
We read a story called "Al Pha's bet" about a man named Al Pha.  In the story the king asked the people to put the letters in order.  The king liked the way his order sounded so he named the alphabet after him. It was just a pretend story.  We sorted out our papers from work we did this month and picked out the thing we were most proud of to go in a frame on the wall.  
We read another book about a Miss Mingo who taught animals.  In the story they practiced for their fire drill. We practiced for the fire drill too.  When the siren sounds we stop, line up fast, be quiet and follow Miss Mahan to our meeting spot outside.
The most exciting thing was we filled the cottonball jar so we are having our PJ and Teddy party on Tuesday!

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Terry Fox Run Day

Today was Terry Fox Run day!  And it was also a Wonderful Wednesday!
In gym class with Ms. W and played a dodge ball game.  In our classroom we worked in our poetry books.  Mrs. Haney Jones finished reading a Junie B. Jones book to us.  The book was very funny! 
In Social Studies, we talked and wrote about things that we see on our way to school.  We practiced our sight words on the board.  Some of us read book from our book boxes.  We practiced tracking.
Ask us what tracking means. 
Today we had an assembly and learned about Terry Fox.  We watched a video about him.  We learned that he ran halfway across Canada to raise money for cancer research.  He asked every Canadian to give $1 to the Cancer Society for research.  Terry Fox only had one leg.  He was a very brave man.  He ran a marathon every day.  A marathon is 26 miles long.  That's from here to Okotoks and beyond! We ran and walked around Emerson Lake for our Terry Fox Run.  It was a beautiful day!
Mrs. Quarin Wright came in and talked to us about hallway manners.  We promised to remember to walk at a medium speed, keep our hands at our sides, keep our eyes forward and smile.  Safety is so important at Ecole Joe Clark School. 
At the end of the day, Mrs. H.J. gave us a Terry Fox sticker and a tattoo.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

What is Red?

In Science, we turned the squares we painted yesterday into something that is really that colour.  We glued them onto a paper to make our colour posters. We practiced reading our colour words by colouring apples the colour that the word said.  We read a story about Elmer and super El and then we did some Elmer and Brown Bear centers.
We went to learning commons and got some books and listened to an ABC book about the letters getting zapped and crumpled.  Some people picked out 2 and come people picked out 1.  We played apartments in gym.  We had to dodge the balls and we could hide behind the mats for protection. 
The Terry Fox Run is tomorrow!

Monday, 28 September 2015

Colours Everywhere

107.365 Primary Education
 We talked about what we did on the weekend during morning meeting and some kids talked about the lunar eclipse and the balloon glow.  Lots of us had fun weekends.  We had Science Centers today where we matched colours with colour words and painted some pieces of paper red, yellow and blue. We practiced reading to self again today and we made it all the way to 5 min! We had gym outside and we did another practiced for the Terry Fox run we were much faster this time!
We need to remember we have library tomorrow and to bring our Toonies for Terry this week.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Hot Air Balloons

We did calendar today so we know that today is Thursday, September 24th and we know that we have no school tomorrow, but Miss Mahan still has to come to school.
We went outside and looked at the hot air balloons and there was Rainbow ones, people ones and even elephant ones. We read a book that had hot air balloons in it by Dr. Seuss. We made hot air balloons with a special crayon called oil pastels.
We went for a practice for the Terry Fox Run.  We ran and we walked around the lake and it was pretty hard.  While we were out there we looked for signs that fall is here.
In Math we did our number centers, we also made our jerseys with numbers on them.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015


We had a morning meeting and we talked about our jar that we put cotton balls in when we do the right thing.  When the Jar gets full we get a PJ and teddy party.  A cotton ball can come out if we are not doing the right thing, Miss Mahan hopes that never happens! It is already half full!
We read a book about a girl whose mouth as a volcano.  She got in trouble because she erupted when she should be taking turns.  She wrinkled other peoples heart because she was interrupting.   We also read a book about a boy that was jumping on a bed and then his bed crashed through the floor! We talked about how pictures can help us read words we don't know.
In Science we are learning about colours so today we talked about some colour centers that we are going to do.  One was matching the colours words to the colour with blocks.  Another one was to match the coloured shapes on a t-shirt to our paper.  Today in our  journals we each picked a colour and then wrote or drew 5 things that are that colour.  We made it into a web.
We played bird catcher and bears an squirrels in the gym.   In math we practiced our numbers and  number words on the Smartboard.  Some people went to the bake sale and lunch and bought cupcakes with frosting, cake pops or cookies. It was very busy!

Monday, 21 September 2015

Raz Kids

I <3 2 read
We logged into Raz Kids for the first time today!  We will use Raz Kids for "listening to reading" at school but we can do it at home too!  We wrote 5 sentences that started with "I am" in our journals today and then drew a picture.  We read a Peter Reynolds Book about big and little, the girl in the stories name was Sugarloaf.
In calendar we dragged the number up for the weekend and today.  We know today is Monday and tomorrow is the Bake Sale.  We did some number centers in math.  One center was putting the airplane with the number on the wings in the right hanger.  There were also two centers about sorting.  There are 10 math centers.
In gym we played a new game called snake on the island tag where we slithered on our tummy.
We have lots of notes in our black folders tonight.  One is about Toonies for Terry and another is about picture day.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Ish Drawing

Today we practiced read to self. When we read to self we read the words in our brain or we look at the pictures, our eyes are on the book, we are quit and we stay in one spot. When Miss Mahan makes a noise with her special noise maker we have to stop.
We read story about a colorful Elephant called Elmer.  At the end, all the elephants had a day to celebrate Elmer. On that day all the elephants dressed colorfully and Elmer was just grey.
We looked for things that were different in our class from yesterday and the grade 3's came and did a readers theater for us.
In Art we made a squiggle on a paper and then  someone else came and turned it into a picture using their imagination. We read a story called "Ish".  It was about a boy who thought he could not draw so he stopped, then he realized he could draw ish-ly.  We drew ish pictures of us like the one in the picture.
We played everybody is it tag in the gym and we practiced controlling the soccer ball.
We have a note in our backpack about a Bake Sale on Tuesday.  A girl in Grade 2 is doing the bake sale and the money goes to help a her neighbor  with a brain tumor.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Who are we?

We are excited that the Welcome Back BBQ is tonight at 6:00!
Today we did Art.  We did Art with scribbles and then we mixed the colours with our fingers.  We used chalk pastels to do the Art.
In math we got our math journal.  We put our names on the front and then wrote some numbers inside.We also did a video about our dots that looked like a target telling which is bigger, smaller, biggest and smallest.
We listened to a song about "What I am" and then we told Miss Mahan about what we are as Grade 1 students in our class.  We said we are :bucket fillers, helpful, a team, brave, strong, nice, smart and that we do the right thing when no one is watching.
We found labels in the room and then we used them to write our own "Grade 1 Grade 1 What do you see?" story.
Tomorrow is the day Book Orders are due and we are already excited for them to come in!

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Wonderful Wednesdsay

What a busy day!  We read our Little Engine That Could booklets and retold the story to our partners.  We did Social Studies.  We read a book about teamwork.  We read a book about a girl building a magnificent thing.  It was an awesome book.  We did Social Studies and talked about activities that we share with others.  We drew a picture about things we do together with others as a group.  We decorated our book boxes.  We played a game at gym.  We did a poem.  We got brand new poetry books today.  We saw words and we read and colored an apple red and a frog green.  We "sneaked" into the music room with Mrs. H.J. and did a Go Noodle activity.  Our mascot is called Freckles Sinclair.   We shared our brown bags.  Mrs. H.J. brought her violin and played for us.  Her violin sang to us.   We had a Wonderful Wednesday in our grade one class!  Only one more sleep until the BBQ!

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Dot Day!

It was Dot Day today! We used Dots in almost everything we did today.
We had library today and we read the book " The Dot".  It was about a girl who thought she couldn't do art then she became famous for painting dots. After, we tried to find peoples art work in the Library.  At the end of Library we got a special bookmark that we get to keep .
In science we coloured coffee filters and then we painted them with water and it made the colour mix and made them see through. We also made a target out of different sizes of dots in math.
In gym we ran to celebrate Terry Fox because the Terry Fox run is coming at our school.  We know he ran part way across Canada and that he had cancer.
We are excited that the Welcome BBQ is only 2 sleeps away!

Monday, 14 September 2015

Dot Day is Tomorrow

Pink and green polka dot background

We glued the eyes on our "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" puppets and then we did a video of us re-telling the story "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you see?".  We did the videos with the iPads.  We got to take our puppets home at the end of the day to show our parents.
We finished our green books by putting the pages in the right order then some of us practiced being leaders by helping other kids finish their books too.
Today we started looking at some math centers that are all about learning our numbers.  In one of them we had to match the number of pompoms on a caterpillar to the number and number word.
We looked at the book Chrysanthemum again. We spelled her name by ourselves, it has 13 letters in it.  Then we practiced writing our  name and our friends names. They were all shorter than Chrysanthemum!
We read a Peter Reynolds book about a girl who liked to build stuff and then she built her own star to go in the sky.  It was called Sydney's Star.

Tomorrow is Library and dot day so don't forget to wear your dot clothes!

Friday, 11 September 2015


Today we learned about the sky and that it can be different colours like red, yellow, purple and blue.  We read about a girl who painted a colourful sky and then we water painted our own sky by dabbing watercolor paint and letting the water do the work.
We got our book boxes today! We each picked out 4 books that we want to read from our classroom library to put in them and then we decorated the our book box.  We have the same book box for the whole school year.
We had assembly about selling magazine and they told us that we can win prizes.  We have more information in our backpacks.  We also got our first book order and were very excited to show our parents.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 10 September 2015

We See Green

Today we talked about the words 'green', 'see' and other words that have two ee's in them. The two e's are like two screening mice that are running away from a cat. They say "eeee".  We also made a book about green that we will practice reading tomorrow. 
We watched a story about two best friends who had a fight but then they became friends again. We later talked about how we want people in our class to treat us. 
We read a book about a brother and sister. The brother got an award and the sister wanted to get it too so she tried her best to do nice things.  Even though she made mistakes, she got the award in the end because she filled people's buckets. We read another book about a boy that had so many chores that he made 10 copies of himself to help him.  At the end of the story he decided doing less things and trying his best was better than a big list. 
In Math, we talked about the months and the seasons and we made a poster about our favourite season. 

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Brown Bag Sharing

Orangery Summer School, Brown Paper Bag workshop
  We had a great day!
We had our morning meeting and during sharing time, lots of kids remembered to bring their brown bag with things that are important to them to show the rest of the class.  They brought lots of cool things.
We read about about a boy who used his imagination and pretended he could fly in a paper airplane. After we talked about using our imaginations, we also read the book "Panda Bear, Panda Bear What Do You See", and in the book he saw a bald eagle.
We did gonoodle for a body break.  A body break is when we dance and sing after we have been working hard.  In Science, we are going to be learning about colours so we went outside and looked at different colours on our school ground.
We went to the Library for the first time and we got to sit on the comfy couch to listen to the story.  We each got to take out two books and we need to bring them back next Tuesday.  We put some important papers in our folder that we hope moms and dads see.

Friday, 4 September 2015

Magic Playdoh

Today we read a book called Brown bear, Brown bear What Do You See? and we started to make a puppet that Miss Mahan says we will use to help us retell the story.
We also read a book about being nice to others and talked about how we like others to treat us.  We had lots of great ideas like we would like others to be nice, friendly, polite and share with us.
In the afternoon we played with Magic Playdoh.  The Magic Playdoh was white at the beginning but then it turned blue!  That means that we are going to have a great school year just like the poem said.
We had gym and we played a new game penguins and Polar bears and we had centers like animals, sticks and cars, and chains.