Friday, 18 September 2015

Ish Drawing

Today we practiced read to self. When we read to self we read the words in our brain or we look at the pictures, our eyes are on the book, we are quit and we stay in one spot. When Miss Mahan makes a noise with her special noise maker we have to stop.
We read story about a colorful Elephant called Elmer.  At the end, all the elephants had a day to celebrate Elmer. On that day all the elephants dressed colorfully and Elmer was just grey.
We looked for things that were different in our class from yesterday and the grade 3's came and did a readers theater for us.
In Art we made a squiggle on a paper and then  someone else came and turned it into a picture using their imagination. We read a story called "Ish".  It was about a boy who thought he could not draw so he stopped, then he realized he could draw ish-ly.  We drew ish pictures of us like the one in the picture.
We played everybody is it tag in the gym and we practiced controlling the soccer ball.
We have a note in our backpack about a Bake Sale on Tuesday.  A girl in Grade 2 is doing the bake sale and the money goes to help a her neighbor  with a brain tumor.

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