Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Terry Fox Run Day

Today was Terry Fox Run day!  And it was also a Wonderful Wednesday!
In gym class with Ms. W and played a dodge ball game.  In our classroom we worked in our poetry books.  Mrs. Haney Jones finished reading a Junie B. Jones book to us.  The book was very funny! 
In Social Studies, we talked and wrote about things that we see on our way to school.  We practiced our sight words on the board.  Some of us read book from our book boxes.  We practiced tracking.
Ask us what tracking means. 
Today we had an assembly and learned about Terry Fox.  We watched a video about him.  We learned that he ran halfway across Canada to raise money for cancer research.  He asked every Canadian to give $1 to the Cancer Society for research.  Terry Fox only had one leg.  He was a very brave man.  He ran a marathon every day.  A marathon is 26 miles long.  That's from here to Okotoks and beyond! We ran and walked around Emerson Lake for our Terry Fox Run.  It was a beautiful day!
Mrs. Quarin Wright came in and talked to us about hallway manners.  We promised to remember to walk at a medium speed, keep our hands at our sides, keep our eyes forward and smile.  Safety is so important at Ecole Joe Clark School. 
At the end of the day, Mrs. H.J. gave us a Terry Fox sticker and a tattoo.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

What is Red?

In Science, we turned the squares we painted yesterday into something that is really that colour.  We glued them onto a paper to make our colour posters. We practiced reading our colour words by colouring apples the colour that the word said.  We read a story about Elmer and super El and then we did some Elmer and Brown Bear centers.
We went to learning commons and got some books and listened to an ABC book about the letters getting zapped and crumpled.  Some people picked out 2 and come people picked out 1.  We played apartments in gym.  We had to dodge the balls and we could hide behind the mats for protection. 
The Terry Fox Run is tomorrow!

Monday, 28 September 2015

Colours Everywhere

107.365 Primary Education
 We talked about what we did on the weekend during morning meeting and some kids talked about the lunar eclipse and the balloon glow.  Lots of us had fun weekends.  We had Science Centers today where we matched colours with colour words and painted some pieces of paper red, yellow and blue. We practiced reading to self again today and we made it all the way to 5 min! We had gym outside and we did another practiced for the Terry Fox run we were much faster this time!
We need to remember we have library tomorrow and to bring our Toonies for Terry this week.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Hot Air Balloons

We did calendar today so we know that today is Thursday, September 24th and we know that we have no school tomorrow, but Miss Mahan still has to come to school.
We went outside and looked at the hot air balloons and there was Rainbow ones, people ones and even elephant ones. We read a book that had hot air balloons in it by Dr. Seuss. We made hot air balloons with a special crayon called oil pastels.
We went for a practice for the Terry Fox Run.  We ran and we walked around the lake and it was pretty hard.  While we were out there we looked for signs that fall is here.
In Math we did our number centers, we also made our jerseys with numbers on them.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015


We had a morning meeting and we talked about our jar that we put cotton balls in when we do the right thing.  When the Jar gets full we get a PJ and teddy party.  A cotton ball can come out if we are not doing the right thing, Miss Mahan hopes that never happens! It is already half full!
We read a book about a girl whose mouth as a volcano.  She got in trouble because she erupted when she should be taking turns.  She wrinkled other peoples heart because she was interrupting.   We also read a book about a boy that was jumping on a bed and then his bed crashed through the floor! We talked about how pictures can help us read words we don't know.
In Science we are learning about colours so today we talked about some colour centers that we are going to do.  One was matching the colours words to the colour with blocks.  Another one was to match the coloured shapes on a t-shirt to our paper.  Today in our  journals we each picked a colour and then wrote or drew 5 things that are that colour.  We made it into a web.
We played bird catcher and bears an squirrels in the gym.   In math we practiced our numbers and  number words on the Smartboard.  Some people went to the bake sale and lunch and bought cupcakes with frosting, cake pops or cookies. It was very busy!

Monday, 21 September 2015

Raz Kids

I <3 2 read
We logged into Raz Kids for the first time today!  We will use Raz Kids for "listening to reading" at school but we can do it at home too!  We wrote 5 sentences that started with "I am" in our journals today and then drew a picture.  We read a Peter Reynolds Book about big and little, the girl in the stories name was Sugarloaf.
In calendar we dragged the number up for the weekend and today.  We know today is Monday and tomorrow is the Bake Sale.  We did some number centers in math.  One center was putting the airplane with the number on the wings in the right hanger.  There were also two centers about sorting.  There are 10 math centers.
In gym we played a new game called snake on the island tag where we slithered on our tummy.
We have lots of notes in our black folders tonight.  One is about Toonies for Terry and another is about picture day.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Ish Drawing

Today we practiced read to self. When we read to self we read the words in our brain or we look at the pictures, our eyes are on the book, we are quit and we stay in one spot. When Miss Mahan makes a noise with her special noise maker we have to stop.
We read story about a colorful Elephant called Elmer.  At the end, all the elephants had a day to celebrate Elmer. On that day all the elephants dressed colorfully and Elmer was just grey.
We looked for things that were different in our class from yesterday and the grade 3's came and did a readers theater for us.
In Art we made a squiggle on a paper and then  someone else came and turned it into a picture using their imagination. We read a story called "Ish".  It was about a boy who thought he could not draw so he stopped, then he realized he could draw ish-ly.  We drew ish pictures of us like the one in the picture.
We played everybody is it tag in the gym and we practiced controlling the soccer ball.
We have a note in our backpack about a Bake Sale on Tuesday.  A girl in Grade 2 is doing the bake sale and the money goes to help a her neighbor  with a brain tumor.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Who are we?

We are excited that the Welcome Back BBQ is tonight at 6:00!
Today we did Art.  We did Art with scribbles and then we mixed the colours with our fingers.  We used chalk pastels to do the Art.
In math we got our math journal.  We put our names on the front and then wrote some numbers inside.We also did a video about our dots that looked like a target telling which is bigger, smaller, biggest and smallest.
We listened to a song about "What I am" and then we told Miss Mahan about what we are as Grade 1 students in our class.  We said we are :bucket fillers, helpful, a team, brave, strong, nice, smart and that we do the right thing when no one is watching.
We found labels in the room and then we used them to write our own "Grade 1 Grade 1 What do you see?" story.
Tomorrow is the day Book Orders are due and we are already excited for them to come in!

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Wonderful Wednesdsay

What a busy day!  We read our Little Engine That Could booklets and retold the story to our partners.  We did Social Studies.  We read a book about teamwork.  We read a book about a girl building a magnificent thing.  It was an awesome book.  We did Social Studies and talked about activities that we share with others.  We drew a picture about things we do together with others as a group.  We decorated our book boxes.  We played a game at gym.  We did a poem.  We got brand new poetry books today.  We saw words and we read and colored an apple red and a frog green.  We "sneaked" into the music room with Mrs. H.J. and did a Go Noodle activity.  Our mascot is called Freckles Sinclair.   We shared our brown bags.  Mrs. H.J. brought her violin and played for us.  Her violin sang to us.   We had a Wonderful Wednesday in our grade one class!  Only one more sleep until the BBQ!

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Dot Day!

It was Dot Day today! We used Dots in almost everything we did today.
We had library today and we read the book " The Dot".  It was about a girl who thought she couldn't do art then she became famous for painting dots. After, we tried to find peoples art work in the Library.  At the end of Library we got a special bookmark that we get to keep .
In science we coloured coffee filters and then we painted them with water and it made the colour mix and made them see through. We also made a target out of different sizes of dots in math.
In gym we ran to celebrate Terry Fox because the Terry Fox run is coming at our school.  We know he ran part way across Canada and that he had cancer.
We are excited that the Welcome BBQ is only 2 sleeps away!

Monday, 14 September 2015

Dot Day is Tomorrow

Pink and green polka dot background

We glued the eyes on our "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" puppets and then we did a video of us re-telling the story "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you see?".  We did the videos with the iPads.  We got to take our puppets home at the end of the day to show our parents.
We finished our green books by putting the pages in the right order then some of us practiced being leaders by helping other kids finish their books too.
Today we started looking at some math centers that are all about learning our numbers.  In one of them we had to match the number of pompoms on a caterpillar to the number and number word.
We looked at the book Chrysanthemum again. We spelled her name by ourselves, it has 13 letters in it.  Then we practiced writing our  name and our friends names. They were all shorter than Chrysanthemum!
We read a Peter Reynolds book about a girl who liked to build stuff and then she built her own star to go in the sky.  It was called Sydney's Star.

Tomorrow is Library and dot day so don't forget to wear your dot clothes!

Friday, 11 September 2015


Today we learned about the sky and that it can be different colours like red, yellow, purple and blue.  We read about a girl who painted a colourful sky and then we water painted our own sky by dabbing watercolor paint and letting the water do the work.
We got our book boxes today! We each picked out 4 books that we want to read from our classroom library to put in them and then we decorated the our book box.  We have the same book box for the whole school year.
We had assembly about selling magazine and they told us that we can win prizes.  We have more information in our backpacks.  We also got our first book order and were very excited to show our parents.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 10 September 2015

We See Green

Today we talked about the words 'green', 'see' and other words that have two ee's in them. The two e's are like two screening mice that are running away from a cat. They say "eeee".  We also made a book about green that we will practice reading tomorrow. 
We watched a story about two best friends who had a fight but then they became friends again. We later talked about how we want people in our class to treat us. 
We read a book about a brother and sister. The brother got an award and the sister wanted to get it too so she tried her best to do nice things.  Even though she made mistakes, she got the award in the end because she filled people's buckets. We read another book about a boy that had so many chores that he made 10 copies of himself to help him.  At the end of the story he decided doing less things and trying his best was better than a big list. 
In Math, we talked about the months and the seasons and we made a poster about our favourite season. 

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Brown Bag Sharing

Orangery Summer School, Brown Paper Bag workshop
  We had a great day!
We had our morning meeting and during sharing time, lots of kids remembered to bring their brown bag with things that are important to them to show the rest of the class.  They brought lots of cool things.
We read about about a boy who used his imagination and pretended he could fly in a paper airplane. After we talked about using our imaginations, we also read the book "Panda Bear, Panda Bear What Do You See", and in the book he saw a bald eagle.
We did gonoodle for a body break.  A body break is when we dance and sing after we have been working hard.  In Science, we are going to be learning about colours so we went outside and looked at different colours on our school ground.
We went to the Library for the first time and we got to sit on the comfy couch to listen to the story.  We each got to take out two books and we need to bring them back next Tuesday.  We put some important papers in our folder that we hope moms and dads see.

Friday, 4 September 2015

Magic Playdoh

Today we read a book called Brown bear, Brown bear What Do You See? and we started to make a puppet that Miss Mahan says we will use to help us retell the story.
We also read a book about being nice to others and talked about how we like others to treat us.  We had lots of great ideas like we would like others to be nice, friendly, polite and share with us.
In the afternoon we played with Magic Playdoh.  The Magic Playdoh was white at the beginning but then it turned blue!  That means that we are going to have a great school year just like the poem said.
We had gym and we played a new game penguins and Polar bears and we had centers like animals, sticks and cars, and chains.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

What a Great First Day!

We had a great first day in Grade 1.

We read a book about Pete the Cat and his school shoes. We found a note about Pete the Cat being lost at the back of the book. He was lost and his clues took us on tour around the school to try to find him. After his last clue Pete left us some goldfish but he called them Cat food! We also decorated a shoe for Pete.
We read a book about a person who was nervous about her first day of school  called First Day Jitters. We talked about how we felt before school today and then we drank Jitter Juice to help our butterflies to go away because some of us were nervous.
We read a book about Chrysanthemum who was named after a flower.  Every time kids were not nice to her in the book we crumpled our paper heart.  At the end our papers were very wrinkly and we could not get the wrinkles out. We talked about how we have to think before we talk to others because it is hard to fix a wrinkled heart
At the end of the day we played games and ran around the gym.
We learned lots together today and we are excited for tomorrow!