Today for our morning work the Grade 2's practiced their subtraction and then coloured a Frankenstein based on the answers. The Grade 1's counted Halloween pictures and practiced writing their numbers. We read a book about bone soup where a man made some soup with eyeballs, bones, mouse droppings and dandelions. All the characters in the story liked the soup. The characters were Halloween things like a witch and a giant.
In math the Grade 1's practiced counting and writing the number for different Halloween objects they found around the room. While they were doing that the Grade 2's were practicing solving math word problems on the whiteboards.
In Art we made a painting of a moon. We used white and 1 other colour. We made a moon and then made circles around the moon that slowly got darker. We did this by slowly adding more of the colour to our white paint. They looked really cool when they were done.
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