Today we wrote about the seasons and picked which season is our favourite. We know that when the world tips towards the sun it is hotter (summer) and when we tip away from the sun it is colder or winter. We know the 4 seasons are fall, spring, winter and summer. We also wrote what the plants animals and people do in each of those seasons. We also made tree in art. Part of the tree was in each of the seasons. It looked really cool.
We read a book about a butterflies life. They start as eggs. then they get fatter by eating leaves. Then they make a Chrysalis and when they hatch they are butterflies.When the butterflies hatch they mate and then they choose a good place to lay their eggs and then the life cycle starts all over again. The eggs hatch in a few days.
We wrote a little bit about the last part of Woolbur today. Part of what we did was describing a picture to our friends. We talked about things like color, textures. Then we wrote our predictions about what is going to happen at the end of the story.
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