Monday 23 November 2015

Blowing Bubbles

Today we made a poster or planned what we are going to say in a video to teach little kids about a number between 5-10.  Tomorrow we will make the videos.  We also got to chew gum and blow bubbles at school! After we wrote down the steps we need to take to blow a bubble.  We drew our faces and blew up a pink balloon to hang up on the wall with our writing.
In morning meeting we shared what we did to sharpen the saw on the weekend.  We also practiced following maps to find the letters again.  The group that did not get to use the map to find the letters on Friday got their turn today.
Some of us made some straight, wiggly and pointy lines on a paper for an art project we are going to do tomorrow.  In the gym we played a game that we try to act like animals.  We pretend the gym is that animals cage.  We also did read to self but we only made it to 7 minutes.  We need to remember to keep our eyes on our book not on the group that Ms. Mahan is reading with.
Ms Mahan put some tape with our names on it on our boot shelf today so we always have a spot to put our boots.  She also asked us to ask our parents write our names on our boots so we don't have anymore boot mix ups at recess.

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